That all may know!!
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hello from Cameroon! This is Tim Pemberton. The past two days have been very interesting. Accustoming myself to the ways of another culture are not too difficult, just hard to remember. Last night we took Duola by storm and spent the night in an extremely nice hotel of sorts. I believe it was a place specifically set apart for Baptist missionaries who need a place to stay. Caleb, Jesse, and I definitely had the best rooms with ample air conditioning and an extremely relaxing shower. After leaving, we took the about 10 hour drive to where we will be spending the upcoming days. On the way many natives attempted to sell us their goods right through the window of the bus. Speaking of the bus, it was quite small, but somehow we managed to find spots for 2 guitars, about 35 carryons, and food for the trip. If anyone is wondering where the 40 bags of actual luggage was stowed, it was on the roof of the bus. Stacked upon itself. Up to 5 high in some spots. Needless to say, a bit unnerving when encountering bridges, trees, and towards the end of the trip, powerlines. Though the latter was easily solved by taking the poles out of the ground and lifting them up. Then after the powerline scare was over, we took an unpaved mountain trail to get to the Sinclair's house. Still do not understand how the bus did not tip. Many spots on the road were muddy and very slick. Finally, after vacating the vehicle and transferring all the luggage from the top to the inside, the bus made it to the Sinclair's house, but not after a few scares still. Currently we just finished an excellent dinner and are dividing the women's suitcases from the men's while attempting to find all the HBS (our VBS) supplies that are hidden among our own personal items. And now there is a meeting so I need to go, so thank you for reading and praying for us. Everything helps when we have days like today. God bless. Tim Pemberton signing out.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you guys, good to hear God got you their safely! Chuck wareing
