That all may know!!
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations...

Saturday, July 7, 2012


What a busy day we have had. This morning we handed out 1000 invites to the HBS and teen rally. We all went through various stages of being grabbed and pulled on to get the parade beads. Ask Emily Buker!! After lunch at the church some stayed to work on the teen program and the rest went to finish decorating the dilapidated school we are using for HBS. We rearranged benches, cleaned up dust and dirt, and Mr Nichols and Caleb put together the giant flowers. We ran back to the church for the 4:00 teen program but only one person came at 4:00. But after we started singing more and more came. We ended up with 70 some people, some old, some teen, and some children. There were kids, so as we got to the game field Dave Nichols, Sarah, me, and Shanna took the kids and played games on the AWANA circle... with no game equipment.  Talk about instant in season!  The little kids would have gotten hurt playing with the big teens, so it was improvise.  The teen games went over well - once they understood what "you are out" meant. They loved the inner tube tug. We had about 40 people watching who we couldn't get to join in and play. During the preaching time of the teen rally, I got to take the kids - all 38 of them - and give them the wordless book while Pastor Quilty preached to the rest. Many decisions were made and lots of counciling took place. It was an amazing thing as the church was packed.

 I rode in the car coming home and we got separated from Ben. The phone wouldn't work and we were LOST. But God got us home with great guesses by Steve Anderson. We had a 10:00 pm dinner which was delicious and coke with ice cubes!! The water is completely out, no more even in reserve, and the guys are still outside trying to bucket water or something. It's late and we are really tired but happy. The girls are crashing. God is good.
Ready to go hand out fliers for the teen rally in Bamenda.
Savannah's friend.
Mr. Nichols did a fabulous job as game director with NO game equipment on the spur of the moment.  We played Ship Ahoy (Thanks Joanne Branham).  Even though none of the kids had ever been on a boat - they were quick learners.  This pose is what they do for the call "Captain's Coming!" 
Ship Ahoy game - Man Overboard pose.
Sarah Beth's collection of kiddos. The kids will touch our skin and say soft!
Faith Baptist in Bamenda
HBS decorations.
Teen rally games
Skit for teen rally.  That's Andrew under the chocolate syrup.
Mr. Nichols and Caleb making the stands for the flowers.  Mr. Nichols has been helping with everything - fixing the van, trying to fix the name it he can fix it.
Teen rally Bamenda
Recruiting.  Everyone wanted the beads - even the tough motercycle taxi guys.
Adorable little boy who came to play games with the younger kids while the teens were playing behind the building in the photo.  See all the people in the background?  They were watching the teens play.
Children's church during teen rally in Bamenda

Powerpoint for songs for teen rally.
Emily with tube for rally.  Nice dirty tube.
Pastor Quilty witnessing....where you ask?  Ask him!!!
Decorations for the Holiday Bible School. Thanks Michelle for the flowers.
Out on the street in front of the Bambili church trying to get people to come to the rally.
Trying to untangle the beads which was hard to do when they were pulling on them to get the exact color they wanted.
After the rally - we were HUNGRY and ate the leftover "Puff-Puffs" which I heard were delicious!
The red team ready to hand out fliers.
Ready to go recruiting for the teen rally.  This is in Bamenda.
Caleb with help from the kids getting the PVC pipes ready for the flowers.  We had kids everywhere.  We stirred up lots of attention.
Evan leading the BLUE team for the rally. Sorry for blurry....

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures!!! Looks like such an exciting day!! Praise the Lord for the decisions that were made!
