That all may know!!
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I'm back in our home on the computer I'm familiar with.  We arrived home safe and sound, albeit, without our luggage which no one at the airport seems to know exactly where it was and is.  They tell us we should have it in a "few" days!  I slept for a few hours on a bench in the Brussels airport.  I don't sleep much (like not at all) sitting up in a plane and when I saw that bench I simply laid down and was asleep instantly.  That's what really tired and relieved does, I suppose.  They held the plane from DC to Tampa for us as we were waiting around for our invisible luggage.  They held the plane for us in DC when we were coming too.  That's one advantage of a large group!  Cheaper to wait than to put us all up in a hotel.

United airlines was very interesting.  On the flight the pilot joked about the inept ground crew - he said," If second graders performed a ballet, this is what it would look like" and then joked about the person who was to bring up the jetway for us to exit the plane, "Oh they are not here, ok, they are coming, no they are stopping and trying to figure out what door to use, no they are backing up, oh they are coming to the first class door..."  The United desk in DC told us "The luggage is off the plane and someone forgot to bring it in."  

I keep thinking about what's going on in the Sinclair house and remembering how much work everything is to live in Cameroon and how willing the Sinclair's are to do it so that they can reach the wonderful people there.  I will continue to pray and ask God for the help that they need to do that enormous job.

I'm thankful for the other missionaries there, the Needham's and the Craven's who came to have a party with us and share their work.  It was awesome to see the planes that the Needham's fly into the bush.  The Needham girls were much needed help at HBS.  Thank you, girls.

God was so faithful to answer our prayers, see us thru every challenge, provide grace and strength when we needed it, and guide us into taking many opportunities to share the love of God in Christ.  I'm so incredibly thankful for the wonderful team of non-complaining, hard working, fun-to-be-with people that made up our team.  Despite the challenges, I think this trip included the most fun that I've had on a mission trip.  Way too much laughing...  Steve described us as "rowdy and adventurous." 

What do I take away?

My most heartwarming memory is the multitude of children who come running up to the van when we pulled up to the school to do HBS, smiling, and screaming.  The number of kids increased each day until it was hard to even get off the van and get into the building to set up so we could begin.  

The need in Cameroon is so great. 

The people believe in God...and good works for salvation.  

They will trust Christ...if someone clearly explains the difference to them.  

I serve a loving, good, and faithful God who answers prayers.

I'm praying for help for Cameroon.  

Are you the answer?

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