That all may know!!
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sunday 8 June 2012 I was passing out tracts and I handed one to 2 guys and told them that it told them how to get to heaven. One of them asked me if I was going to heaven and I said yes. Then I asked them if they were going to heaven and they said they were. I asked them how they knew that and they said because they believed there was a God. So I told them that believing there was a God wasn't what got a person to heaven. I shared the gospel with them then asked if they would like to put there trust in Jesus Christ to get to heaven. They said yes so I led them in prayer. After they said the prayer I asked them, "If somebody else were to come up to you and ask you if you knew you were going to heaven what would you say?" They answered, "Because I put my trust in Jesus."

by: Jesse Newhard

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