That all may know!!
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Richard's Ramblings: (Alias: Burt the Bugman)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Misty, cool breeze, birds chirping, a rooster calls to his mate, the stark contrasting beauty of the foggy, gray haze hanging on the mountaintops like a heavy whipped cream on a frothy cappuccino -- a few silent crickets leap from tile to tile on my clay-encrusted dorm room floor, the gurgling of the air-filled, water-deficient pipes outside my door, the sloshy gulumpf of our nightwatchman's steps as he keeps guard through the night, the smell of . . . , well, . . . me.   5:00 a.m. came early this morning as I awakened to the sites and sounds of Bambili, Cameroon, West Africa.  

The people's warm smiles are a daily welcome site as they walk the clay puddle strewn "streets" of Bambili.  It doesn't seem to bother them at all.  They are content, even happy.  As we exchange common greetings, such as "How is it?  "Good morning, mommy!"  "Ashya"  (Ashya really means "I'm sorry."  We say it as they move over for us to pass in our vehicles.  Oh, the vehicles.  They take such abuse.  The holes, crevasses, ravines, bottomless pits, . . . the van sliding about like a pinball in an arcade, the squeals from the ladies as they experience the daily sojourn both up and down the mountain -- the experiences are priceless and the people precious.

It is such a joy to work alongside my colleagues, my friends, my family.  I love them all.  The servant-leaders God has provided on this mission trip are second to none.  From Caleb's amazing spirit, to Shanna's constant encouraging smile, to the seemingly tireless efforts of Becca Sinclair in the kitchen and around the house.  Everyone pitches in -- "Am I ready?"  "What's next?"  "How can I help?" -- Words which resound constantly throughout the day.

Ministering alongside my family has been a special blessing.  Zachary assists with the HBS gametime, plays BEEKER in the opening assembly, and leads the RED TEAM during the Youth Rallies.  Andrew is RED ANT team member for HBS, plays BANANA MAN in the opening assembly, and cheers on the RED TEAM for the Youth Rallies.  Both he and Zach have had numerous opportunities to lead souls to Christ.  WHAT A BLESSING!  I'm thankful for their servant spirits and patience with their crazy father, BURT THE BUGMAN!

Evan and Seth are just amazing!  Evan and Zach's guitar-playing abilities have been quite helpful with leading the Teen Rally music.  They lead with enthusiasm and excitement.  I don't know how their voices hold up with the abuse of cheering and then singing.  I am doing my best to protect my voice so that BURT THE BUGMAN can continue his antics throughout each days opening assembly.

And, Sharon, . . . the indomitable spirit of my sister-in-law.  She surprises me everyday.  She runs that craft room like nobody's business.  I praise the Lord for her, her sweet spirit, and her willingness to go WAY OUTSIDE her comfort zone.  Terry & Tyler, you should see her.

I am also thankful for COAL, the Sinclair's kitten.  She plays just like Mercedes (my cat back home) and loves to cuddle.  I look forward to daily time with her.

THE SINCLAIR KIDS:  DREW, KATE, EMMA, and FAITH -- they're all my little buddies.  I love them calling me "Uncle Richard" and listening to their giggles as they play.  THEY LOVE IT HERE IN CAMEROON.

Thank you, everyone, for praying for us each day.  God is so good!

Serving in Cameroon,

1 comment:

  1. Ok....I remember Wendy getting on the bus, but I haven't seen any of her there in Cameroon. Did y'all lose her along the way?
