That all may know!!
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

This is Andrew Shelburne's blog

The past few days have been sooo eye opening to me. It's so hard to believe how spoiled we Americans are. Just last night a group of the guys and I were talking to Hilary our night watchmen. He told us that if a man steals here, they are put into a stack of tires and oil is poured on them and they are burnt. They are then left there for 3 days and then are eaten' like a roast fish. That is how he put it. Even in American prisons they are treated like kings. That is just one thing that shows how spoiled Americans are.
Praise God I have already been able to talk to 6 cameroonians about Christ. All appear to have been saved except for 1 man named Justice. Please pray that he comes to the youth rally tonight, and learns the truth about the free gift that God has given us.
Thank you to everybody for all the prayers they have prayed for us. It really is helping, God is already doing amazing things here in Cameroon!!

1 comment:

  1. Andrew, I am so very proud of the wonderful young man you have become. God bless you for your willingness to go.
