That all may know!!
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations...

Friday, July 13, 2012

Last Day of HBS!!!

Today is our final day of Holiday Bible School. I will miss all the kid so much!! it was pretty crazy yesterday with around 250 kids attending :) We will be handing out wordless book bracelets today as we finish the teaching on the gospel. Pray that many of these children will respond to the gospel and be saved today! Tonight is parents night at 6 so pray for the parents as well. It would be so exciting to see a huge revival here in Bamenda Cameroon!! Thank you all so so much for praying! We see so much fruit here every day and the Lord has given all of us strength and grace to get through each day even when we feel like we are too tired. We miss you and are excited to see what the Lord will do today!

~ Shanna


  1. Praying! I so look forward to these posts every morning! They have become a part of my devotions and I will sure miss them when you go home.

    Today, tears of joy at the salvation of the Sinclair daughter!

  2. I am sooo excited to hear this wonderful news every day as God blesses all of you for your willingness to follow his calling!! Shanna, we can't wait to see you!!!
